Introducing 1800chaplain.

1800Chaplain is a nationwide toll-free service offering confidential chaplaincy support to all Australians.

With lifesaving crisis helplines receiving unprecedented call volumes, 1800Chaplain fills a growing need for early intervention, preventative pastoral care before the person experiences suicidal ideation.

The helpline is a safe and confidential forum that takes a holistic view of the person’s emotions, stressors, challenges and moral dilemmas, where they need not shy away from deeper questions about their life, their relationships, their faith or their sense of purpose. Our trained and accredited chaplains can help callers find support, comfort, reassurance and, where needed, referral to other services.

about chaplaincy.

Chaplaincy is a well-established ministry of presence and care which has been practiced in a wide variety of secular and culturally diverse organisations and institutions for many years including hospitals, age care, prisons, emergency services, armed forces, schools, universities, sporting clubs, social services and more recently within workplaces.

Chaplains are called into ministry with a great passion to care for and reach out to people who are experiencing pain, distress and suffering in their lives. They stand with people on their worst days and offer caring non-judgemental support. Our chaplains are prepared to provide referral to other services where needed.

Our Chaplaincy Australia accredited chaplains have completed at least a Certificate IV or Diploma in Chaplaincy with 100 hours of supervised placement and 1800Chaplain specific training. This training assures that our call-team are ready, with highly developed skills, to help everyone who calls.


Chaplaincy Australia is a national network of Christian chaplains delivering support and care across every aspect of Australian society. We deliver professional, equipped and motivated chaplains into all industries and response agencies. We desire to see chaplains partnered with every interest group in Australia. Wherever people are, a chaplain can make a difference!



Ralph Estherby (CSM GAICD) has been the CEO of Chaplaincy Australia since 2013. He has over 35 years’ experience in Leadership and in Chaplaincy/Pastoral Care. Ralph oversees and supports the outstanding and selfless work of over 500 chaplains across Australia. He is also a member of the Religious Advisory Committee to the Services (ADF) where he oversees and supports over 100 ADF chaplains. 

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Our Board 
Our Governing Board is led by Andrew Coghlan (MAICD) and is focussed on ensuring that 1800Chaplain continues to provide effective and meaningful support to the Australian Community. 

Our Team Leaders 
Our team leaders are highly experienced chaplains and leaders who bring support to the call team and ensure that every caller is provided with an excellent level of care. 

Our Chaplains
Chaplains are well trained, caring professionals who are accredited for the task. They are individuals with great passion to care for and to reach out to people who are experiencing pain, distress and suffering in their lives. They stand with people on their worst days and offer caring non-judgemental support. 

Our Chaplaincy Australia accredited chaplains have completed at least a Certificate IV or Diploma in Chaplaincy with 100 hours of supervised placement and additional 1800Chaplain specific training. This assures that our call-team are ready, with highly developed skills, to help everyone who calls.