November 2021

New hotline launches to help Australians under stress

Experienced chaplains who have stood shoulder to shoulder with Australians in the midst of stressful and traumatic situations, including natural disasters, are available on call with the launch of a new toll-free hotline in mid November.

The launch of 1800Chaplain on 15th November is timely as Covid restrictions begin to lift, borders open, and families prepare for Christmas holidays, along with the arrival of summer and extreme weather conditions in their communities.

“The mental stress on individuals and families during the past two years has become a crisis situation for our nation,” said Ralph Estherby, CEO of Chaplaincy Australia. “The life-saving work of Lifeline and other mental health helplines has been stretched during this season, and we believe we can fill the gap by offering earlier intervention before a person experiences suicidal ideation.”

“Our chaplains are professionally trained and provide daily face-to-face care and support across Australian life, from schools and hospitals, to prisons and workplaces,” he said. “This includes deployment to communities that have faced natural disasters, such as floods and bushfires where they have stood with people on their worst days to offer caring non-judgemental support.” 

“The 1800Chaplain hotline provides us with the opportunity to offer support and stand with individuals who are feeling overwhelmed by their circumstances, and in need of a friendly voice to provide comfort, reassurance and where necessary, a referral to other services,” Ralph explained.

Chaplaincy Australia is a national network of over 500 chaplains who deliver professional support and care across every aspect of Australian society.  The 1800Chaplain service is a safe and confidential option for callers across the nation, manned by skilled chaplains that represent a broad spectrum of nationalities, backgrounds, ages and localities.


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